Monday, July 31, 2006

Israel to widen ground war in Lebanon

'Bout freakin' time. This is one war that Israel CANNOT afford to lose.

Nothing less than a complete victory over the terrorists of Hezbollah will be a desireable outcome for Israel, or U.S. Otherwise, the continuing perception of the "toothless tigers" will just lead to more war, terrorism, bloodshed, killing, etc.

Every capitulation just makes THEM stronger.



Someone the other day commented on the fact that the URL to this site is:, and not

Anal-retentive pusbucket. I spit bile at him.

There is a very easy explanation for the reasoning behind the URL being different than the website name.


are what you wear,

when you kick,


...See how much sense that makes?

Syrian President has issued an order telling troops to "be ready" to engage Israel in war

More tough talk from Middle Eastern Moonbats. These guys must sit all day thinkiing to themselves, "How can I be a complete camel's ass to everyone on Earth, and still look myself in the mirror in the morning?"

Do these clowns just LIVE for this shit, or what? I guess if your the presidente of a bass-ackwards Islamic hellhole of a country the prospect of seeing your parched acre of paradise go up in a blaze of thermonuclear glory seems more entertaining than staring at re-runs of "Everybody Loves Rahaman".

We wouldn't have this problem if we started dropping care packages of liquor, pornography, and Amazonian skunk-weed over the Middle East. Either that, or , as was my original idea, "bomb their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

Well, actually, that was Ann Coulter's idea first. I sort of think these people are wayyyy too Dominant Type A in their personality make-ups to go for Christianity.

I'm thinking get them all hooked on Dianetics, and let nature take it's course.

They'll be too busy "Processing", "Auditing their Engrams", and videotaping boring infomercials to worry about starting the "Mother of All Wars".

On second thought, maybe "Elron Ackbar" doesn't have such a nice ring to it.

(Anyone feel the flames of Armageddon licking at your hindquarters?)

Link: al-Reuters

Neo-Nazi Rocket Scientist Bill White Pontificates on "The History of the Jooz"

Bill "skull nuggets" White, the brilliant polymath, conspiracy theorist, slumlord, neo-Nazi, and all-around "Most Hated Man To Ever Register A Domain Name", has deigned to bless us with his own rambling, incoherent narrative expounding upon the "History of the Jews".

Of course, that he gives not one source for anything he has written, and veers wildley into speculation , hearsay, conspiracy theory, blood libel, and psuedo-historical nonsense goes without saying.

Here's a taste:

"The Bahir is one of the works of the Kabbalah; it was published in Southern France in the 12th century, during the period when Jews were sponsoring the development of the pre-Protestant heresies. Other works from the same school include the "Treatise of the Left Emanation" and the Zohar. From this school of thought came the butchering of children on Passover and during Purim, and a profound hatred of the "gentiles" who had begun dismantling the Judaized-Islamic infrastructure which had exploited and enslaved Spain and Southern France's white populations. This practice of occult human sacrifice migrated out of Spain with the Jews who fled the Inquisition, eventually spreading along the Mediterranean basin and up the Atlantic coast until it permeated the entirety of Jewish civilization.

In Germany, Jews who had migrated to the Holy Roman Empire from Khazar founded secret occult societies like the "Hasidei Ashkenaz" -- ancestors of our modern Hasidim. From the idiosyncratic occult Judaism of these isolated strains came the Star of David, which was officially adopted as a "Jewish symbol" in Bohemia in 1354, the belief that Jewish Rabbis could raise the dead, in the form of the golem of Prague, circa the late 16th century in that city, and a 16th century mystic named Isaac Luria, who brought upon the world the Jewish curse of "Tikkum Olam"."--Bill "skull nuggets" White

The last I heard, the "golem of Prague" was a silent movie about a giant clay guy with Sonny Bono hair, but I guess I could be wrong.

This essay proves , once again, that there is no subject too profound to be tarnished by the beady little brain of Kaiser Bill.

No, I'm not linking to it. I'll be damned if I help give Will Blight anymore hits.

Muslim shooter hid behind 13-year-old girl

Muslim murderer Naveed Afzul Haq hid behind a child to commit murder at Seattle Jewish federation last week.

Hey, he was just playing by the Jihadi rulebook.

Link: Link

Rabbis issue worldwide call for prayer

As a record number of Hezbollah rockets struck towns and communities in Israel today, Rabbinic leaders are asking sympathetic Christians and Jews to pray, for Jewish men to don tefillin, and for Jewish women to light Shabbat candles every Friday before sunset.

"We call upon all Christians and non-Jews to increase in acts of goodness and kindness to your neighbor and fellow man. For Jewish males above the age of 13 to don Tefillin every weekday. Tefillin possesses a special spiritual component that frightens and deters the enemy. And to all Jewish women to start lighting Shabbat candles every Friday before sunset. Shabbat candles too have a spiritual component to dispel darkness and to light up the world," the Rabbinic Congress for Peace, a coalition of over 1200 rabbinic leaders and pulpit rabbis, said in a statement.

Link: World Net Daily

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Letter explaining how Hezbollah uses women and children as human shields

Interesting letter from a Lebanese Shia doctor illustrates how Hezbollah uses women and children as human shields:

I lived until 2002 in a small southern village near Mardshajund that is inhabited by a majority of Shias like me. After Israel left Lebanon, it did not take long for Hezbollah to have its say in other towns. Received as successful resistance fighters and armed to the teeth, they stored rockets in bunkers in our town as well. The social work of the Party of God consisted in building a school and a residence over these bunkers! A local sheikh explained to me laughing that the Jews would lose in any event because the rockets would either be fired at them or if they attacked the rockets depots, they would be condemned by world opinion on account of the dead civilians. These people do not care about the Lebanese population, they use them as shields, and, once dead, as propaganda. As long as they continue existing there, there will be no tranquility and peace.

Dr. Mounir Herzallah

Reprinted from Berlin Leftist newspaper Die Tageszeitung.

Link:Judeoscope (Canada)

Quana Propaganda Crumbling

"An IDF investigation has found that the building in Qana struck by the Air Force fell around eight hours after being hit by the IDF.

“The attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear,” Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters told journalists at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, following the incidents at Qana.

Eshel and the head of the IDF’s Operational Branch, Major General Gadi Eisnkot said the structure was not being attacked when it collapsed, at around 8:00 in the morning.

The IDF believes that Hizbullah explosives in the building were behind the explosion that caused the collapse.

Another possibility is that the rickety building remained standing for a few hours, but eventually collapsed. “It could be that inside the building, things that could eventually cause an explosion were being housed, things that we could not blow up in the attack, and maybe remained there, Brigadier General Eshel said.

”I’m saying this very carefully, because at this time I don’t have a clue as to what the explanation could be for this gap," he added."

You mean, Hezbollah might actually be responsible for killing it's own civilians, to pin it on the IDF?

Now, would they do that?

(Shaking head "yes!" emphatically.)

Link: Ynet News From Israel

David Horowitz on Quana Strike

From David Horowitz's blog at: Front Page Magazine

"While propaganda tears are shed over the deaths in Qana, consider the reality of this war in which a civilian targeting army who uses its own civilians as shields invariably gets the sympathy vote of the Israel and America haters on the left: The area of Beirut that has been hit by Israeli forces is about as big as two race tracks and consists of the neighborhood in which Hezbollah has set up its headquarters and arsenals, and the airports and ports which are the supply routes for Hezbollah from Syria and Iran. Follow this link to the map which no "news" media has to my knowledge shown:Map"--David Horowitz

Life in Orwellian Times

Charles Krauthammer lays it out best in a recent column.

"What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world, given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?

What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities — every one designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians — and is then vilified by the world when it tries to destroy the enemy's infrastructure and strongholds with precision-guided munitions that sometimes have the unintended but unavoidable consequence of collateral civilian death and suffering?

Hearing the world pass judgment on the Israel-Hezbollah war as it unfolds is to live in an Orwellian moral universe. With a few significant exceptions (the leadership of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and a very few others), the world — governments, the media, U.N. bureaucrats — has completely lost its moral bearings."


This shows the immense double-standard that the world has when it comes to Israel. As in one standard for everyone else, and an IMPOSSIBLE one for the Israelis.


Link: Charles Krauthammer

Hizbollah's Body Armor

Hizbollah launches it's attacks from areas populated with civilians; the IDF goes out of it's way to minimize civilian casualties.

Hizbollah doesn't give a shit how many civilians die; it's all the same to them.

Yet in a nearly Orwellian reversal, the IDF finds itself condemned for civilian casualties.

Yeah, as if the Hizbollah terrorists wear actual uniforms. How many "civilian dead" were actually Hizbollah? I'd wager quite alot.

This shit makes me sick.

Hezbollah launches it's attacks from areas heavily populated with civilians. When civilians get killed, Hezbollah can score cheap propaganda points. Yet, IDF is supposed to carry the blame for civilian casualties?

This whole thing is outrageous.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Terrorist shooting # 2 ?

A Muslim doctor has gunned down a bicyclist in Texas, although the motive behind the shooting seems obscure at this point.

We can only speculate. Hmm.

Link:My Pet Jawa

Progressive Nazis

Wonderful page exposing the virulent anti-Semitism at the heart of the Hate America Left. If you think the current outpour of love and sympathy for Hizbollah is coming solely from the rank and file Brownshirts, think again.

Link:Left-Wing Antisemitism



I just $old my first story!!!!! To Fate Magazine!

The story should be featured sometime in the next two months.

Meanwhile, I'm going to Disneyland!

(Well, maybe Disneyland can wait...)

Leftists Make the Best Racists

Here is a wonderful little article from Judeosphere, about the resurgence of anti-Semitism in the Leftoid worldview.

Read: Moonbats in Glass Houses.

The article deals with one of my personal favorite tin-foil hatters: The Nutty Nazi John "Little Eichmann" Kaminski.

Liberals and Leftoids are the single greatest thing to happen to anti-Semitism since that Czarist operative penned The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

News: Israeli-Hizbollah War, July, 29, 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

Shooting at Jewish Center in Seattle

This must qualify as the first terrorist act perpetrated in America in the wake of the present Israeli-Hizbollah war. I have a terrible feeling we're in for alot more, and alot worse.

A Pakistani man reportedly entered the Seattle Jewish Center and said, "I am a Muslim American; I am mad at Israel." He then opened fire, killing one and injuring five. All of the victims were women, ranging in age from 19 to 43.

How the convoluted individual that perpetrated this despicable act reasoned that his victims could possibly bear any guilt, or have any influence, over the actions of the State of Israel, is beyond the comprehension of this writer.

But I get the awful feeling there's alot more coming.

Link: Shooting at Seattle Jewish Center.

BREAKING NEWS!: Cindy Sheehan in "blue funk" over Israel!

Cindy Sheehan has recently reported that she is having problems coping with the increasing conflict in the Middle East. Poor girl just hasn't been the same since Zarqawi got whacked.

Now , Cindy is joining the rest of the "progressive" world (i.e. Europe) in roundly condemning the Israelis for having the audacity to refuse to lie down, roll over, and play France in the face of the Hizbollah onslaught.

Here's a little nugget of golden Sheehan grief:

"I have been in such a blue funk of depression and worry since Israel's over-reaction -- or "over action" in Lebanon in what seems to be insanity escalating out of control. What our media and some world leaders seem to expediently forget is that Israel massacred an entire family on a beach in Lebanon with a rocket and kidnapped two Palestinian citizens before Hezbollah and Hamas kidnapped some Israeli soldiers. Who started the cycle of violence in those countries? Who knows? Who cares! The important question is: who is going to be the courageous one(s) with integrity, wisdom and compassion that is going to at long last stop the absurdity?"

You didn't actually think we would post the whole air-headed screed, did you?

Anyway, apart from the fact that the "massacre" she references is believed to have been caused by a HAMAS landmine instead of the Israelis, we generally do feel sorry for St. Cindy as she (poor thing!) seems to be carrying the burden of the entire Israeli-Hezbollah conflict on her lonesome shoulders.

Maybe she should go see her friend David Duke for a little comfort.

Rave Reviews!

Whoosh! T'ank you, dahlings! Ah, ze people love me!

"Seriously[...]I hope you aren’t brainwashing your pupils with this tripe." --Anon.


"...I think logic in general is lost on you."--Anon.


" ignorant fucking moron."--Anon.


"LOL! Borg's "political" blog is friggin' hilarious."--"Dariush"


"God, the rantings and ravings of a true fanatic."--Anon.


"What a demented psychopath." --Anon.


"No wonder our educational system is in such shambles."--Anon.


"...adds nothing to a civil discussion of the issues."--Historymike


I guess people know talent when they see it.;-)

On Planet Moonbat, the end always justifies the means...

Cindy Sheehan caught lying her way into a land deal in Crawford, Texas.

"This fella led the land owner to believe he was a Katrina victim and was (I theorize) trying to start a new beginning or some sob story. Cindy knew that nobody would sell her the land so she used some Anti-war activist to buy it and he lied about who he was!"

Does truth ever issue forth from Cindy's trap?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Even Iranian-Canadians make better Americans than Moonbats

Nice blog by "Winston", a Pro-American Iranian from Canada that supports our "War on Terror".

Even Iranian-Canadians make better Americans than Moonbats.

The Spirit of Man

I Spit Laughter At Moonbats

Typical Moonie Moonbat, all decked-out in "Protest chic". From Zombie, of course.

I've made a solemn oath that, from now on, I will NEVER reply to Moonbats on their own forums. Uh-uh. Not gonna do it. No way, Jose.

It's just a waste of my time. It does little good, from the Moonbat's perspective, as their lame, hysterical, paranoid arguments NEVER amount to much more than the typical dribbling talking-points proffered by ignoramus psuedo-intellectuals like the vastly-overrated and academically under qualified Noam Chomsky, the insufferably ignorant Weight-Watchers refugee Michael Moore, and that walking billboard of buffoonery and bombast, Cindy Sheehan.

I care not a whiff for your self-righteous hysterics, your conspiracy-diluted worldview, your callow embrace of Islamic terrorism, or your insistence that the President is actually named "Chimpy McBu$Hitler".

I spit righteous venom at your coiled references to "Imperialistic Neocons" , your seething, snake-like hatred for what is , generally, taken to be normal American standards and values, your convoluted cackling of the latest propaganda-mill punditry offered up on Rense, Antiwar, Lew Rockwell, Daily Kos, and even seedier websites, your sanctimonious seeking of "peaceful resolutions" that neither bring peace or any real resolution, your yellow-journalist's eye for atrocity propaganda that, curiously enough, only ever portrays the suffering of individuals the free world is currently at war with, and on and on and on...

You lose. Hell, even when you WIN, you LOSE. On the continuum of philosophic preponderances, your worldview has dwindled, considerably, with every passing decade. Morally marooned, ideologically bereft of any true measure of success or value, the hawking salesmen and carnival hucksters of Socialism (National and International variety) are relegated to the pathetic fringes of American Realpolitick.

Your protests are covered by eager photographers in much the same way as audiences once lined the sodden midways of so many freak shows to catch a glimpse of a bearded lady, a hydrocephalic infant, or a real-life, honest-to-goodness Geek chewing the head off of a trembling chicken.

Just look at yourselves. All of you! Yeah, take a good goldarn look at your pathetic attempt to make up for lives of such startling insignificance! You wouldn't know what trouble, trauma, unhappiness, or real anger was if it hit you square in the center of your suburbanite backsides.

You want to talk about war? How many Nam vets have you ever known? How many have you ever talked to? How many have you ever drank with?

When I was a kid, a good friend of the family, a Vietnam vet , sat out on his porch one day, stuck both barrels of a shotgun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. He Jackson Pollocked what was left of his brain on the white crumbling exterior of his little, Midwestern dump-house. A local fireman told me they picked up part of his dripping skull in the backyard.

He knew about war.
He knew about anger.
He knew about suffering.

Some flaming mediocrity accused me, just last night, of having "grim interests". As if the various topics of my writings are, somehow, a moral yardstick of who I am as an individual. All I can say to this intellectual sinkhole is, "Bite me!"

Of course, as soon as I got a good gander at her internet profile, I knew what was up. She went on to accuse me of being a Satanist, although I never once accused her, based on her profile, of being a "Koranist".

Lady, if you added up the total body count of every serial killer in America in the last century, it would still be dwarfed by the mega-murders resulting from Islamic terrorism. But I digress.

To the three stoolpigeons of Moonbattery who felt the need to erupt in verbal flatulence at me this morning, all I can say is, "Suckers!"

Useful Idiots. You have no idea of how lucky each and every one of you are to live in this country where the Policidad are not going to line you up against a wall with a blindfold every time you open your latte-swilling sewer about something that made you upset on CNN. Don't like the President? Too fuckin' bad. You think you could do any better if someone gave you the opportunity to do HIS job for a day?

Hell no! You couldn't begin to handle the responsibility, the decisions over life and death, the sheer, relentless volley of hatred and invective someone with any REAL position of authority has to contend with. You're like worms resting in the wounds of a gangrenous leg, maggots rooting in a rotten stump of beef. Consume, cry, whine, play games, pick fights, spend more money than you earn and earn more money than you deserve. And then, turn around, raise your fist in the air, and squeal "I support the Intifadah!"

Yeah, believe me, they really appreciate it. Their sharpening their blades in joy of you, even as we speak.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Heil Hizbollah!

The Left Leaning Looney Lovefest with the Hezbollah nazis just keeps chuggin' on and on! Let's take a look!

New Jersey Jihadi Hal Turner had this homespun homily posted to his internet filthwagon today:

When will the world wake up to the ugly truth that Israel is a terrorist nation? They ALWAYS have been! The "nice jews" fascade has always been a lie. They are merciless, unremorseful killers. The only thing they understand is extreme violence. It's long overdue they get a whole lot of it!
--Hal Turner

Hal seriously makes me wonder just how far an individual can go these days before they end up doing midnight calisthenics next to a five-hundred-pound Samoan gang member named "Tiny". Couldn't you just see short, fat little Hal as the resident "Koolaid Bitch" at a maximum security lockdown?

Next up, we have the roaring hilarity provided by UCB grad student Cecilia Lucas, who penned a heartfelt tribute to the homicidal maniacs of Hamas und Hezbollah:

"I Don’t Want to Love You, But I Do"


Cecilia Lucas

You were born out of death to a life in a cage
Where bombs are not the only reason people die
Fed by the violence of hunger and homelessness
Raised by colonialism
Your heart and your will still grew strong

You scare me
Not just because they tell me to be scared
Not just because they repeat, repeat, repeat
The story of 1983
Begging me to understand
Americans are worth more than Lebanese

Why do they never tell me about Jihad al Bina
That you have created so much
Saved so many lives
Improved so many more

It scares me
When I admit to myself
That I would be more scared without you
If I still took the time to see

To see the violence that does not just fall from the skies
that exists in hunger and homelessness
in colonialism

It scares me
That my hope is tangled up
In actions I would never want to commit

But I don’t sleep much these days
And I’ve tried hard
But I haven’t found
to give me hope that they will listen

They repeat, repeat, repeat
The story of Gaza withdrawal
Hoping we won’t see
The violence that continues
That kills in so many ways
Hoping we will now support it
Or at least stop looking

They insist talk does not work
When there is no one to talk to
It is hard to find an interlocutor
When you’re not willing to listen
To see
To feel

How do you keep faith that talk will work
When even they are insisting it won’t?

I am learning to have hope in you
I am learning to see you as so much more
Than those actions I would never want to commit

You amaze me.
Born out of death to a life in a cage
Raised by colonialism
You did not accept imprisonment as natural
You did not accept hunger as justice
You did not accept
the ceaseless killing in so many ways
Of those next to you
Or those farther away

I love you
But I will never be yours
I don’t want you inside me
You are too male for me

And I cannot, gratefully, fully silence the voice that insists:
Some deaths you did accept
Including of some who were listening

That is why the full statement that the question-marks pry me with reads:
It is sad, but I’m learning to have hope in Hizbulla

Maybe it is the naivety
of one whose life has never been directly threatened
I still believe:
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Barrrrrffff!!!! Anyway, Cec, just so you know it isn't anything personal, I've composed a special poem of my own in honor of yours:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Lay your money on Hezbollah,
I'll bet on the Jew.

Aw! It's a masterpiece, ain't it?

Moving right along, we have the aberrant internet gossipmonger and sleazoid hatelord Bill White, who, curiously enough, seems to be too distracted to root much for the turbaned home team. Bill has been distracted lately with the prospects of starting his own NAZI party now that he has broken-off with the NSM, and did give us a disturbingly full-color mock-up of the cover of a prospective new NAZI magazine he is considering publishing. I say disturbingly, because in the cover photo I can see every molecule of undifferentiated tissue making up those bizarre, tumoresque growths that Bill carries just above his beady little eyes.

Rumor has it that Bill is, in fact, a Jew, but I think I agree with his sub-literate ex-comrade Matthew Ramsey (also known as pornostud "JIM RAMM") that Bill is, in fact, a new form of extraterrestrial cross-human mutant hybrid that has come down to us to spread the message of the Primordial Tradition: i.e. Jews suck, America is evil, send Bill White money.

Next we go over to the Stealth Nazi website Antiwar . Com and read the latest propaganda screeds of Dennis "The Menace" Raimondo (known in the San Francisco "Underground" as Black Bertha) who lays out a fresh take on the current situation in the Middle East: i.e. Bush sucks, Jews are evil, America is an oppressive, totalitarian regime, Islamics are always right, send Dennis Raimondo money.

Over in the Hate America Left's corner, we have, weighing in at 320 pds. , one John Kaminski, who published to his internet Der Stuermer clone of a website a fair, balanced, entirely reasonable and logical essay entitled: "Jews Don't Believe in Free Speech". Note: Somebody hasn't been taking his anti-psychotic meds:

Freedom of speech? Forget about it. Jews don't believe in freedom of speech. Jews control the Congress, the media, the banks, the movie theaters, the product distribution centers, the big stores, your local governments, the medical and legal professions, your schools. Jews control your lives, in thousands of ways you don't even realize. They speak, and you listen, just like Pavlov taught.

On the surface, they pretend to be slightly above average citizens, excelling in schools tailored for them and arriving in the job spectrum on a high level, guaranteeing their dominance over others. The new mafia is definitely Jewish, and running the government, as well.
--John "Little Eichmann" Kaminski

You can just read the academic brilliance in every line.


Last but not least, we implore our readers (all two of them) to ask themselves: How stupid is Cindy Sheehan?

Ever since this porpoised-faced grief hyena first pimped her stuff out a year ago by holding a summer-long tantrum in front of President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, we have been eagerly watching the hilarious, hizbollic, hag hate histrionically all over that there POTUS. At that time, we almost felt a might sorry for Cindy, selfish as she seemed, so we let the poor dear alone with her sorrow until she absolutely started SCREAMING "Commie Witch" at the top of her lungs, and we started wondering just what the hell it all had to do with her losing her son (who reenlisted) in Iraq.

Recently, while hobnobbing with great humanitarians like communist dictator Hugo Chavez, Cindy has hit upon the idea that she will, in fact, go on a "hunger strike" for world peace. Or until the troops come home from Iraq. Or until the summer is over. Or, maybe, she's just dieting.

We can't take Cindy's latest gesture too seriously, as it seems she has allowed herself (poor, self-righteous thing) to also ingest Smoothies, ice cream, coffee, and a platter full of fetal pigs every third day.

(Okay, so we made up the part about the fetal pigs.)

Anyway, I'm not seeing shades of Mahatma Gandhi here.

Well, I gotta split, G. I got alot more MB's to root out.

Until next time, same Moonbat time, same Moonbat channel!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Girl, 16, executed in Iran by being hung from crane

Remember: These are the folks that MOONBATS insist have a right to a full nuclear arsenal.



By Susie Boniface

IT WAS exactly 6am and the start of another blisteringly hot summer day when 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi was dragged from her prison cell and taken to be executed.

Every step of the way the troubled teenager plagued by mental problems shouted "repentance, repentance" as the militiamen marched her to the town's Railway Square.

The Iranian judge who had sentenced Atefeh to death was left unmoved as he personally put the noose around her neck and signalled to the crane driver.

Kicking and screaming, Atefeh was left dangling for 45 minutes from the arm of the crane as the crowd sobbed and - under their breath - damned the mullahs.

Atefeh's crime? Offending public morality. She was found guilty of "acts incompatible with chastity" by having sex with an unmarried man, even though friends say Atefeh was in such a fragile mental state that she wasn't in a position to say no.

But Judge Haji Rezaii was determined she should hang, regardless of the rules of international law which say only adults over 18 can be executed, and that the courts have a duty to children and the mentally ill.

The brutal end to Atefeh's short life has shone a new light on Iran's Shariah law, where adultery, theft and rape all carry the same punishment - death. Officially around 100 people - some just children like Atefeh - are executed each year. But human rights groups say the true figure could be much higher in a country where only half of the women can read, only one in 10 have a job and two-thirds are beaten in their homes.

Life was never easy for Atefeh, who was brought up in the industrial town of Neka, 250 miles from Tehran and close to the Caspian Sea. Her mother died when she was a child and her father Ghasseem, a heroin addict, left her grandparents to bring her up. She suffered from bi-polar disorder, which led to severe mood swings from hyperactivity to depression. Worried parents told their children to stay away from her - something many regret now. "Perhaps we should have helped her instead," said Hamid. "I think the death of her mother had a devastating effect. Before that, she was a normal girl. Her mother was everything to her. After she died, there was no one to look after her."

Mina, a childhood friend, said Atefeh was abused by a close relative. "She never dared talk about it with an adult," said Mina. "If she had told her teacher they'd have called her a whore. Tell the police? They lock you up and rape you." Atefeh first appeared in court, accused of having sex with an unmarried man at 14. Over the next two years she was accused of the same crime with different men.

They denied it and were sentenced to the lash and then released. But Atefeh pleaded guilty and each time received 100 lashes and a prison term. Mina said: "Atefeh sometimes talked about what these 'moral' Islamic policemen did to her while she was in jail. She still had nightmares about that. Atefeh said her mood swings made it easy for men to take advantage of her, and that most of her lovers were in the security force."

Two of them were members of the anti-vice militia. They encouraged other men to sign statements saying Atefeh had engaged in vice, and even claimed she had AIDS.

It was when Atefeh appeared before Judge Rezaii for a fourth time that she lost her temper - and also her life. In a rage she tore off her hi jab - a headscarf - and told the judge she had been raped and it was his duty to punish her tormentors, not their victim.

Rezaii told her she would hang for her "sharp tongue" and that he would put the noose around her neck himself. It became a personal crusade as he travelled to Tehran and convinced the Supreme Court to uphold his verdict.

Two petitions by her friends, saying she was mentally unwell, were ignored. Her father produced her birth certificate proving she was 16. Yet the judges "decreed" she was 22.

Atefeh also wrote to the Supreme Court: "There are medical documents that prove I have a weak nerve and soul. In some minutes of the day and night I lose my sanity. In a society where an insane person can be serially raped it is no wonder that a person like me is the victim of such an ugly act."

The day before she died she wrote again, saying: "Repentance, repentance, repentance." In Iranian law anyone who shows remorse has an automatic stay of execution and a right to appeal, but she was ignored.

A local pharmacist watched Atefeh's execution on August 15, 2004. "She looked so young standing there," he said. "Rezaii must have felt a personal grudge against her. He put the rope around her neck himself. I looked around and everyone in the crowd was sobbing and damning the mullahs." The family's lawyer has now filed a suit of wrongful execution against the judge and is preparing a murder case. Her life is also the subject of a secretly filmed documentary, Execution of a Teenage Girl, which will be screened on BBC2 on Thursday.

One of Atefeh's teachers said the authorities wanted to make an example of her: "She wouldn't take injustice from anyone, but the mullahs equate these qualities in a girl to prostitution and evil. They wanted to give all the girls and women a lesson."

Amnesty International UK director Kate Allen said: "The killing of Atefeh is a catalogue of the most appalling human rights violations. The public hanging of a child, believed to be mentally incompetent, totally beggars belief. To hang a child flies in the face of all that is humane."


PENALTIES imposed by Iran's religious mullahs include:

THEFT: Amputation of hands or feet for persistent offenders.

ADULTERY: Death by stoning.

UNMARRIED SEX: 100 lashes.


SODOMY: Death for adults, 74 lashes for consenting child.

LESBIANISM: 100 lashes, or on the fourth occasion death.


RUBBING ANOTHER MAN'S THIGHS OR BUTTOCKS: 99 lashes - on 4th occasion, death.

Where's the F#$@ing INTERNATIONAL OUTCRY now, Moonbats!?

This eight year old Iranian boy is having his arm crushed for the crime of stealing bread.


Hezbollah's Hitler Youth

Wonderful picture clearly illustrates the philosophical underpinnings of HEZBOLLAH.

Was there ever any doubt?

(Well, maybe for these people:)

Hitlerism is alive and well , apparently.


Walking feces-pile Hal Turner , of the Hal Turner Show infamy, posted this threat to his website today:

Who gives a shit if these innocent jews support Israel or not? The Israelis don't care if the Arabs they're killing support HAMAS or HIZBULLAH! Innocent jews are just as legitimate targets as innocent Arabs.

Want to retaliate against innocent jews for the unimaginable violence being done by Israel? Just click below to find innocent jews in any part of the USA!

Through the link below, you can find jew schools, jew synangogues, jew restaurants and a whole lot more. It's literally a "target rich environment!" Have fun!
--Hal Turner

There are too many people in this country that need to be put on a plane straight to Gitmo. Do not pass go, do not collect 200$.

Hal should be spending his days in an orange jumpsuit, looking out from behind razor wire. At the very least, he needs to be institutionalized for being the rabid, psychopathic clown that he is.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Stupid Americans Cheer Hezbollah

This picture just about sums up my feelings this evening.

Demented Douchebags Demand Death of Democracy

March of the Maniacal Moonbats!

Well, since W.W.3 is now nearly-official, I thought it might be nice to reflect on the mentality of the people that actually WANT US TO LOSE IT.

Only half-witted, overstuffed, pampered, and self-righteous Americans, with too much frickin' free time on their hands, could be convinced to pour out into the streets, en masse, to support the terror-wielding Jihadis of Hizbollah. Their logic (if I can call it that) is lost on me: Do they think that Hamas and Hizbollah are simply going to leave us alone with a pat on the back and a Popsicle if we can get those mean ol' Israelis to stop bombing the shit out of Lebanon?

Have they not stopped to consider that ISLAMIC MILITANTS WANT US ALL DEAD? Are they too steeped in the banality of their own humdrum, thoroughly pedestrian existences to fathom that--horrors!--their own lives and the lives of their children (and their children's children) might just be adversely affected by the globe-trotting onslaught of Islamic terrorism?

Could they be persuaded to defer their own heartfelt, peace-loving , suicidal impulses toward lemming-like self-obliteration for just a few moments,long enough to consider , for the common good, that what the Israelis are fighting is OUR WAR against Hizbollah-Syria-Iran, and not simply the result of an ethnic clash between the Sons of Isaac and Guns of Ishmael?

Could they perhaps be persuaded that, despite scant forensic evidence to the contrary, getting your head viciously whacked-off by masked banditos solemnly chanting a maniacal Musselman death-dirge is, like, "really painful, dude"?

Could they be entreated, earnestly, to consider the THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS zealously butchered by these self-same "Sons of the Prophet" on September 11th, 2001 when Islamic militants hijacked our planes and rode them into the yawning cavern of the next bloody five years of American history?

Could we hope to convince slack-jawed college co-ed dorm skanks that Palestinian Khaffiyas are not chic? That women are , like, treated far , far worse in ISLAMIC DICTATORSHIPS than they are in the Imperialist Zionistic Oppressor State of Israel, where women enjoy full, equal rights of citizenship?

Could we cajole them to consider the OVER ONE THOUSAND ISRAELIS that have lost their lives to Hamas suicide troopers? Would they weasel a Moonbat whimper for the women and children exploded by Ali and Ismail in the nanoseconds before they ascended the ladder to the paradisiacal brothel promised them by The Prophet?

Could we, perhaps, open a glimmer of understanding in the various factions of "Queers for Palestine" that--in Palestine--they really don't have any use for queers beyond target practice?

We're talking MAJOR homophobia in Palestine, folks.

Of course, the answer to the above is a resounding, revolting , wretched refusal on the part of those individuals too blinded by the conspiracy-addled propaganda of the Hate America Left and the anti-Semitic Right to admit that, gee, we might just have an actual war to fight, here. If self-preservation is the highest law of living, the collected idiocy of free-world Moonbats is an example of the most guttural of criminalities.

The Left is every bit as racist, demagogic, irrational, and schizophrenically suicidal as their counterparts in the brownshirts. Very often, these days, you'll find the Morons of Maoism holding ideological hands with Hitler's Latter-Day Darlings.

I submit that, beyond three hundred and fifty pounds of cellulite, there is precious little difference between the Goebellian intellectual drool proffered by "Dr." David Duke, and the snarky flatulence of the Pillsbury Doughboy of Left-wing quack punditry, Michael Moore.

Same cake. Different icing.

(Mmm...Cake and icing are two things Michael Moore, clearly, has a fondness for.)

Fuck 'em all. Hate Left and Hate Right, Islamic Fascism, Bleeding Hearts (that only bleed for those who, continually, spill blood), and all the rest of the loony "revolution chic" cult of "cutting-edge politickal" demonstration.

They're worse than traitors. They're far more pathetic.

They're masochists.

They're suicidal...

...And they NEVER, EVER SHUT-UP.