Friday, July 28, 2006

Rave Reviews!

Whoosh! T'ank you, dahlings! Ah, ze people love me!

"Seriously[...]I hope you aren’t brainwashing your pupils with this tripe." --Anon.


"...I think logic in general is lost on you."--Anon.


" ignorant fucking moron."--Anon.


"LOL! Borg's "political" blog is friggin' hilarious."--"Dariush"


"God, the rantings and ravings of a true fanatic."--Anon.


"What a demented psychopath." --Anon.


"No wonder our educational system is in such shambles."--Anon.


"...adds nothing to a civil discussion of the issues."--Historymike


I guess people know talent when they see it.;-)