Demented Douchebags Demand Death of Democracy
March of the Maniacal Moonbats!
Well, since W.W.3 is now nearly-official, I thought it might be nice to reflect on the mentality of the people that actually WANT US TO LOSE IT.
Only half-witted, overstuffed, pampered, and self-righteous Americans, with too much frickin' free time on their hands, could be convinced to pour out into the streets, en masse, to support the terror-wielding Jihadis of Hizbollah. Their logic (if I can call it that) is lost on me: Do they think that Hamas and Hizbollah are simply going to leave us alone with a pat on the back and a Popsicle if we can get those mean ol' Israelis to stop bombing the shit out of Lebanon?
Have they not stopped to consider that ISLAMIC MILITANTS WANT US ALL DEAD? Are they too steeped in the banality of their own humdrum, thoroughly pedestrian existences to fathom that--horrors!--their own lives and the lives of their children (and their children's children) might just be adversely affected by the globe-trotting onslaught of Islamic terrorism?
Could they be persuaded to defer their own heartfelt, peace-loving , suicidal impulses toward lemming-like self-obliteration for just a few moments,long enough to consider , for the common good, that what the Israelis are fighting is OUR WAR against Hizbollah-Syria-Iran, and not simply the result of an ethnic clash between the Sons of Isaac and Guns of Ishmael?
Could they perhaps be persuaded that, despite scant forensic evidence to the contrary, getting your head viciously whacked-off by masked banditos solemnly chanting a maniacal Musselman death-dirge is, like, "really painful, dude"?
Could they be entreated, earnestly, to consider the THREE THOUSAND AMERICANS zealously butchered by these self-same "Sons of the Prophet" on September 11th, 2001 when Islamic militants hijacked our planes and rode them into the yawning cavern of the next bloody five years of American history?
Could we hope to convince slack-jawed college co-ed dorm skanks that Palestinian Khaffiyas are not chic? That women are , like, treated far , far worse in ISLAMIC DICTATORSHIPS than they are in the Imperialist Zionistic Oppressor State of Israel, where women enjoy full, equal rights of citizenship?
Could we cajole them to consider the OVER ONE THOUSAND ISRAELIS that have lost their lives to Hamas suicide troopers? Would they weasel a Moonbat whimper for the women and children exploded by Ali and Ismail in the nanoseconds before they ascended the ladder to the paradisiacal brothel promised them by The Prophet?
Could we, perhaps, open a glimmer of understanding in the various factions of "Queers for Palestine" that--in Palestine--they really don't have any use for queers beyond target practice?
We're talking MAJOR homophobia in Palestine, folks.
Of course, the answer to the above is a resounding, revolting , wretched refusal on the part of those individuals too blinded by the conspiracy-addled propaganda of the Hate America Left and the anti-Semitic Right to admit that, gee, we might just have an actual war to fight, here. If self-preservation is the highest law of living, the collected idiocy of free-world Moonbats is an example of the most guttural of criminalities.
The Left is every bit as racist, demagogic, irrational, and schizophrenically suicidal as their counterparts in the brownshirts. Very often, these days, you'll find the Morons of Maoism holding ideological hands with Hitler's Latter-Day Darlings.
I submit that, beyond three hundred and fifty pounds of cellulite, there is precious little difference between the Goebellian intellectual drool proffered by "Dr." David Duke, and the snarky flatulence of the Pillsbury Doughboy of Left-wing quack punditry, Michael Moore.
Same cake. Different icing.
(Mmm...Cake and icing are two things Michael Moore, clearly, has a fondness for.)
Fuck 'em all. Hate Left and Hate Right, Islamic Fascism, Bleeding Hearts (that only bleed for those who, continually, spill blood), and all the rest of the loony "revolution chic" cult of "cutting-edge politickal" demonstration.
They're worse than traitors. They're far more pathetic.
They're masochists.
They're suicidal...
...And they NEVER, EVER SHUT-UP.
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