Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Heil Hizbollah!

The Left Leaning Looney Lovefest with the Hezbollah nazis just keeps chuggin' on and on! Let's take a look!

New Jersey Jihadi Hal Turner had this homespun homily posted to his internet filthwagon today:

When will the world wake up to the ugly truth that Israel is a terrorist nation? They ALWAYS have been! The "nice jews" fascade has always been a lie. They are merciless, unremorseful killers. The only thing they understand is extreme violence. It's long overdue they get a whole lot of it!
--Hal Turner

Hal seriously makes me wonder just how far an individual can go these days before they end up doing midnight calisthenics next to a five-hundred-pound Samoan gang member named "Tiny". Couldn't you just see short, fat little Hal as the resident "Koolaid Bitch" at a maximum security lockdown?

Next up, we have the roaring hilarity provided by UCB grad student Cecilia Lucas, who penned a heartfelt tribute to the homicidal maniacs of Hamas und Hezbollah:

"I Don’t Want to Love You, But I Do"


Cecilia Lucas

You were born out of death to a life in a cage
Where bombs are not the only reason people die
Fed by the violence of hunger and homelessness
Raised by colonialism
Your heart and your will still grew strong

You scare me
Not just because they tell me to be scared
Not just because they repeat, repeat, repeat
The story of 1983
Begging me to understand
Americans are worth more than Lebanese

Why do they never tell me about Jihad al Bina
That you have created so much
Saved so many lives
Improved so many more

It scares me
When I admit to myself
That I would be more scared without you
If I still took the time to see

To see the violence that does not just fall from the skies
that exists in hunger and homelessness
in colonialism

It scares me
That my hope is tangled up
In actions I would never want to commit

But I don’t sleep much these days
And I’ve tried hard
But I haven’t found
to give me hope that they will listen

They repeat, repeat, repeat
The story of Gaza withdrawal
Hoping we won’t see
The violence that continues
That kills in so many ways
Hoping we will now support it
Or at least stop looking

They insist talk does not work
When there is no one to talk to
It is hard to find an interlocutor
When you’re not willing to listen
To see
To feel

How do you keep faith that talk will work
When even they are insisting it won’t?

I am learning to have hope in you
I am learning to see you as so much more
Than those actions I would never want to commit

You amaze me.
Born out of death to a life in a cage
Raised by colonialism
You did not accept imprisonment as natural
You did not accept hunger as justice
You did not accept
the ceaseless killing in so many ways
Of those next to you
Or those farther away

I love you
But I will never be yours
I don’t want you inside me
You are too male for me

And I cannot, gratefully, fully silence the voice that insists:
Some deaths you did accept
Including of some who were listening

That is why the full statement that the question-marks pry me with reads:
It is sad, but I’m learning to have hope in Hizbulla

Maybe it is the naivety
of one whose life has never been directly threatened
I still believe:
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Barrrrrffff!!!! Anyway, Cec, just so you know it isn't anything personal, I've composed a special poem of my own in honor of yours:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Lay your money on Hezbollah,
I'll bet on the Jew.

Aw! It's a masterpiece, ain't it?

Moving right along, we have the aberrant internet gossipmonger and sleazoid hatelord Bill White, who, curiously enough, seems to be too distracted to root much for the turbaned home team. Bill has been distracted lately with the prospects of starting his own NAZI party now that he has broken-off with the NSM, and did give us a disturbingly full-color mock-up of the cover of a prospective new NAZI magazine he is considering publishing. I say disturbingly, because in the cover photo I can see every molecule of undifferentiated tissue making up those bizarre, tumoresque growths that Bill carries just above his beady little eyes.

Rumor has it that Bill is, in fact, a Jew, but I think I agree with his sub-literate ex-comrade Matthew Ramsey (also known as pornostud "JIM RAMM") that Bill is, in fact, a new form of extraterrestrial cross-human mutant hybrid that has come down to us to spread the message of the Primordial Tradition: i.e. Jews suck, America is evil, send Bill White money.

Next we go over to the Stealth Nazi website Antiwar . Com and read the latest propaganda screeds of Dennis "The Menace" Raimondo (known in the San Francisco "Underground" as Black Bertha) who lays out a fresh take on the current situation in the Middle East: i.e. Bush sucks, Jews are evil, America is an oppressive, totalitarian regime, Islamics are always right, send Dennis Raimondo money.

Over in the Hate America Left's corner, we have, weighing in at 320 pds. , one John Kaminski, who published to his internet Der Stuermer clone of a website a fair, balanced, entirely reasonable and logical essay entitled: "Jews Don't Believe in Free Speech". Note: Somebody hasn't been taking his anti-psychotic meds:

Freedom of speech? Forget about it. Jews don't believe in freedom of speech. Jews control the Congress, the media, the banks, the movie theaters, the product distribution centers, the big stores, your local governments, the medical and legal professions, your schools. Jews control your lives, in thousands of ways you don't even realize. They speak, and you listen, just like Pavlov taught.

On the surface, they pretend to be slightly above average citizens, excelling in schools tailored for them and arriving in the job spectrum on a high level, guaranteeing their dominance over others. The new mafia is definitely Jewish, and running the government, as well.
--John "Little Eichmann" Kaminski

You can just read the academic brilliance in every line.


Last but not least, we implore our readers (all two of them) to ask themselves: How stupid is Cindy Sheehan?

Ever since this porpoised-faced grief hyena first pimped her stuff out a year ago by holding a summer-long tantrum in front of President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, we have been eagerly watching the hilarious, hizbollic, hag hate histrionically all over that there POTUS. At that time, we almost felt a might sorry for Cindy, selfish as she seemed, so we let the poor dear alone with her sorrow until she absolutely started SCREAMING "Commie Witch" at the top of her lungs, and we started wondering just what the hell it all had to do with her losing her son (who reenlisted) in Iraq.

Recently, while hobnobbing with great humanitarians like communist dictator Hugo Chavez, Cindy has hit upon the idea that she will, in fact, go on a "hunger strike" for world peace. Or until the troops come home from Iraq. Or until the summer is over. Or, maybe, she's just dieting.

We can't take Cindy's latest gesture too seriously, as it seems she has allowed herself (poor, self-righteous thing) to also ingest Smoothies, ice cream, coffee, and a platter full of fetal pigs every third day.

(Okay, so we made up the part about the fetal pigs.)

Anyway, I'm not seeing shades of Mahatma Gandhi here.

Well, I gotta split, G. I got alot more MB's to root out.

Until next time, same Moonbat time, same Moonbat channel!