Friday, July 28, 2006

BREAKING NEWS!: Cindy Sheehan in "blue funk" over Israel!

Cindy Sheehan has recently reported that she is having problems coping with the increasing conflict in the Middle East. Poor girl just hasn't been the same since Zarqawi got whacked.

Now , Cindy is joining the rest of the "progressive" world (i.e. Europe) in roundly condemning the Israelis for having the audacity to refuse to lie down, roll over, and play France in the face of the Hizbollah onslaught.

Here's a little nugget of golden Sheehan grief:

"I have been in such a blue funk of depression and worry since Israel's over-reaction -- or "over action" in Lebanon in what seems to be insanity escalating out of control. What our media and some world leaders seem to expediently forget is that Israel massacred an entire family on a beach in Lebanon with a rocket and kidnapped two Palestinian citizens before Hezbollah and Hamas kidnapped some Israeli soldiers. Who started the cycle of violence in those countries? Who knows? Who cares! The important question is: who is going to be the courageous one(s) with integrity, wisdom and compassion that is going to at long last stop the absurdity?"

You didn't actually think we would post the whole air-headed screed, did you?

Anyway, apart from the fact that the "massacre" she references is believed to have been caused by a HAMAS landmine instead of the Israelis, we generally do feel sorry for St. Cindy as she (poor thing!) seems to be carrying the burden of the entire Israeli-Hezbollah conflict on her lonesome shoulders.

Maybe she should go see her friend David Duke for a little comfort.