Tuesday, August 08, 2006

David Limbaugh speaks truth to Moonbats

Although I have been too busy for the past couple of days to post regularly, I wanted to provide this link from an article by David Limbaugh that I think is 100% dead-on in its appraisal of the current situation.

"The uncomplicated answer is that no matter what we do, policy-wise, we will remain infidels with gigantic bull's-eyes on our backs unless we renounce our capitalistic ways, destroy our churches and synagogues, outlaw our pluralistic religious society, convert to a radical Islamic theocracy and join the global jihad en route to a worldwide caliphate.

We are in this war for the long haul whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we intend to fight it or roll over in shameful appeasement until we are in a much weaker position to fight at such time as even the appeasers realize we have no other choice."--David Limbaugh

Link: An Unappeasable Global Jihad