Israeli commandos raid Hezbo bunker
Link: Israeli commnados raid Hezbollah bunker
"The uncomplicated answer is that no matter what we do, policy-wise, we will remain infidels with gigantic bull's-eyes on our backs unless we renounce our capitalistic ways, destroy our churches and synagogues, outlaw our pluralistic religious society, convert to a radical Islamic theocracy and join the global jihad en route to a worldwide caliphate.
We are in this war for the long haul whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we intend to fight it or roll over in shameful appeasement until we are in a much weaker position to fight at such time as even the appeasers realize we have no other choice."--David Limbaugh
Israel has lost a fair number of its finest young soldiers during the current war in Lebanon. How they died certainly varies from individual to individual, but recent accounts of how Major Roi Klein died while leading his troops against Hizb’allah in Bint Jbeil is characteristic of other stories I have heard about the conduct of seasoned Israeli commanders who possess a deep sense of what they are fighting for.--Zionist.Com
According to personal accounts of some of the soldiers present in the fierce battle on July 26, Klein not only displayed tremendous self-sacrifice by falling on a grenade lobbed at his platoon, but made sure the last thing he did in this life was honor God by reciting the Sh’ma - “Here Oh Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One.”
The spirit of Israel’s great biblical warriors appears to be alive and well in this nation.
"After having heard countless cries of “death to Israel”, “vive le Hezbollah” and once in Arabic “death to the Jews”, I addressed some of the protesters by shouting back “am Yisrael chai” (the people of Israel live) and “shalom aleichem” (peace to all). The incident then turned violent when a fanatic ran up to me suddenly, punching and strangling me quickly as I fell onto a parked car on Ste. Catherine St. As the attacker was restrained and ushered away I then yelled “Are you crazy? This is Canada, so act civilized like everyone else watching you.” The unknown assailant was then reintroduced by protest-organizers into the crowd to avoid detection by the numerous members of the media and policemen who had witnessed the assault. Other disgruntled anti-Israel protesters then attempted to enter my place of work where I sought refuge yelling “Jewish pig” and “down, down Israel” as police and bystanders sealed the entrance briefly, preventing the mob from breaking the storefront."
" is increasingly clear that the Qana “massacre” was a stage-managed Hizballah production, designed precisely to enflame international sentiment against Israel and compel the Israelis to accept a ceasefire that would enable the jihad terrorist group to gain some time to recover from the Israeli attacks."--Robert Spencer