Saturday, August 19, 2006

Israeli commandos raid Hezbo bunker

Yeah, this "ceasefire" sure is gonna accomplish quite alot, isn't it? The war ain 't over yet, and Israel's leaders are tying the IDF's hands before it can complete what it needs to do. Namely: finish the job of breaking Hezbollah.

Link: Israeli commnados raid Hezbollah bunker

Israelis call for resignation of Olmert

That the Olmert government has not prosecuted the current war in that way that it should have been is no secret. The fact that Israelis realize this, and are understandably outraged, shouldn't be a secret, either.

Link: Israelis call for resignation of Olmert

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Leftist Scum Photo Essay

Anti-American, anti-Semitic cretins marching in San Francisco in support of Shariah Law, Hezbollah, and Nasrallah's "Final Solution" to the Jewish question.

When , I wonder, are we gonna put an end to displays like this, and get on with the real business of prosecuting this war for survival?

Make no mistake: if it comes down between displays from individuals like the one pictured above, and the existential survival of this country, you can bet your ass this sort of thing will disappear very quickly.

In my opinion, this guy should be vacationing at Gitmo.

Link: Zombietime: San Francisco anti-Semitic rally

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

David Limbaugh speaks truth to Moonbats

Although I have been too busy for the past couple of days to post regularly, I wanted to provide this link from an article by David Limbaugh that I think is 100% dead-on in its appraisal of the current situation.

"The uncomplicated answer is that no matter what we do, policy-wise, we will remain infidels with gigantic bull's-eyes on our backs unless we renounce our capitalistic ways, destroy our churches and synagogues, outlaw our pluralistic religious society, convert to a radical Islamic theocracy and join the global jihad en route to a worldwide caliphate.

We are in this war for the long haul whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we intend to fight it or roll over in shameful appeasement until we are in a much weaker position to fight at such time as even the appeasers realize we have no other choice."--David Limbaugh

Link: An Unappeasable Global Jihad

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Rocket attack in Northern Israel kills eleven

I'd sure like to know how they think any phony "ceasefire" is gonna end this horrible situation.

Eleven were killed and dozens more wounded, bringing the toll of Israeli civilian deaths up to 90, in what is undoubtedly Hezbollah's deadliest attack yet.

Link: Hezbollah's deadliest attack

Friday, August 04, 2006

Suicide bombers dispatched from Indonesia to hit Jewish interests internationally

More from the (cough!) "Religion of Peace":

Link: Suicide bombers

“Here Oh Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One.”

Of course, not a word is being spoke of the valiant actions of the IDF, who are fighting for the survival of their home and the lives of their families and children. The IDF are a legitimate army, comprised of heroic young men and women who do everything in their power to abide by the standards and practices of honor put forth by the world as the appropriate conduct for those fighting in combat.

This is in direct contradiction to their terrorist enemies, the murderous thugs of Hezbollah, who use women and children as their "human shields", and are not fighting for anything except their sheer, wanton bloodlust to kill Jews and other "infidels".

This small post from Zionist.Com really got to me tonight.

Israel has lost a fair number of its finest young soldiers during the current war in Lebanon. How they died certainly varies from individual to individual, but recent accounts of how Major Roi Klein died while leading his troops against Hizb’allah in Bint Jbeil is characteristic of other stories I have heard about the conduct of seasoned Israeli commanders who possess a deep sense of what they are fighting for.

According to personal accounts of some of the soldiers present in the fierce battle on July 26, Klein not only displayed tremendous self-sacrifice by falling on a grenade lobbed at his platoon, but made sure the last thing he did in this life was honor God by reciting the Sh’ma - “Here Oh Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One.”

The spirit of Israel’s great biblical warriors appears to be alive and well in this nation.


Israel is just at the top of their list of targets.


Israel is fighting OUR war with the Jihadis of Islam. At least we could acknowledge their bravery and dedication.

Long live Israel!

Woman faces stoning to death in Iran

Wonderful record on women's rights those Iranians have.

Link: Iranian justice

Inflated casualties of Quana

The "Quana massacre" was nothing more than a propaganda device used against Israel, where Hezbollah's human shields were killed unknowingly and the bodies were then paraded around on display for the world by eager smear merchants and Hezbollah-worhipping yellow journalists. Furthermore, the body count was intentionally inflated to further inflame the situation on the Arab street.

Link: Quana Massacre

Liveblogging the war

A page of live blog updates of the current ground situation in the Israel-Hezbollah war.

Link: Israel at War

Israeli child victims of Palestinian violence

I agree with Charles at LGF: there are simply no words one can muster when viewing these images.

Link: Daled Amos Blog

Hezbollah kills civilians

Funerals have been held for the civilian victims of Israel's bloodiest day since their war with Hezbollah began. Of course, there is nary a whimper of international outrage on the part of Hezbollah-worshipping Lefty's, because, obviously, the lives of Lebanese mean more to them than the lives of Israelis.

Discover the Networks

At any rate, the Arab street is alive with indignation. After all, it isn't every day they have an excuse to turn out in riotous mobs in front of news cameras.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hell on Wheels

Looking like something from a low-budget zombie biker flick, a gang of Jihadis drove brazenly through the streets of Jakarta recently, wearing toy sucide bombs and carrying (I presume) fake weapons.

Do you think they're trying to send us a message?

This guy looks like he crawled straight from the pages of a pulp horror thriller. I wonder, is this what they mean when they say, "The Religion of Peace"?

Record number of rocket attacks against Israel today

Hezbollah, pleased that the entire world is licking their collective wrist in anguish over the propaganda steamroller unleahed by the entirely biased mainstream media, celebrated by firing an incredible 231 rockets into Israeli territory today, each and everyone of them meant to harm and kill a civilian.

Thankfully, miraculously, only one death was reported.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is still crying crocodile tears and demanding a ceasefire.

Notice: getting hit with 231 rockets in a single day should be an indication that, at this time, a ceasefire is impossible.

Israeli troops have reportedly widened the scope of their ground incursion into Lebanon. Let's hope they can defang the Hezbollah rattlesnake before too many more lives are lost.

Link: Yahoo News

Hizbollah lovers go on rampage in Montreal during "demonstration"

Supporters of the terrorist group Hizbollah staged a violent protest in Montreal Sunday. Shouts of "death to Jews", and "death to Israel" were bleated out by cretins waving Hezbollah flags and holding giant pictures of Hassan Nasrallah.

If you think the West doesn't have a real serious problem on its hands with these folks, you better think again.

They want the world.

"After having heard countless cries of “death to Israel”, “vive le Hezbollah” and once in Arabic “death to the Jews”, I addressed some of the protesters by shouting back “am Yisrael chai” (the people of Israel live) and “shalom aleichem” (peace to all). The incident then turned violent when a fanatic ran up to me suddenly, punching and strangling me quickly as I fell onto a parked car on Ste. Catherine St. As the attacker was restrained and ushered away I then yelled “Are you crazy? This is Canada, so act civilized like everyone else watching you.” The unknown assailant was then reintroduced by protest-organizers into the crowd to avoid detection by the numerous members of the media and policemen who had witnessed the assault. Other disgruntled anti-Israel protesters then attempted to enter my place of work where I sought refuge yelling “Jewish pig” and “down, down Israel” as police and bystanders sealed the entrance briefly, preventing the mob from breaking the storefront."

Link: Video Judeoscope

Some facts about the stage-managed Quana "Massacre"

Hezbollah has been carefully priming the pump of the propaganda war against Israel, taking every opportunity to parade around dead bodies for eager photographers, and generally doing as best as they can to capitalize on the virtual ignorance of everyone in the western world concerning their tactics.

Below is a nice piece from Frontpage Mag about the troubling details of the Quana "Massacre".

" is increasingly clear that the Qana “massacre” was a stage-managed Hizballah production, designed precisely to enflame international sentiment against Israel and compel the Israelis to accept a ceasefire that would enable the jihad terrorist group to gain some time to recover from the Israeli attacks."--Robert Spencer

Link: Front Page Magazine

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I like Concrete

Walking around in the blazing hot sun this afternoon, my lungs baking in my ribcage from the obnoxious aroma of fresh tarmac mixed with the cloying perfume of passing diesel rigs, I felt the need to come home, peel off my sopping camouflage tee-shirt, and give vent to a few random thoughts.

I like concrete. I like modern, pre-fab buildings, parking garages, multi-story housing units, and the slightly-intoxicating whiff from auto garages left open in the baking heat of an August scorcher.

I like crumbling asphalt, decaying little thrift stores, loud, abrasive rumbles from passing autos. Recently, I had the great fortune to walk directly beside a truck full of livestock--pigs--all squealing miserably on their way out to the slaughterhouse. They were jammed inside thick as thieves, and the smell was something I can only describe as the wonderful aroma of hogshit and gasoline; fetid purity mixed with oil and heavy machine scent. It was truly an awe-inspiring moment.

Rumble and squeal, skitter and grind; it was like music to my ears.

I like the smell of smoke, the aroma of grease from lousy restaurants, the air-conditioned decay of supermarket produce. I dig the wind as it rifles it's way through the little stands of trees on the walkway out to the park. I don't want much nature, just enough to enjoy happily as it is surrounded by buildings and electricity, telephone wires and nice, new sidewalks.

I like suburban houses lined up neatly in an orderly row, covering landscapes curiously barren of tress, with chain link fences cuffing in the riotous indiscipline of backyards that must be mowed by chugging, sputtering lawn jockeys.

I like listening to "Embers" by Non while I sit at my computer and surf the internet for information about mass-murderers, spree killers, psychopathic maniacs, and royalty-paying traditional publishers that might, actually, accept my next piece.

I like convenience stores run by Indian women that eye me suspiciously as I pop over to the freezer for a Jones Green Apple Soda. I like having the exact same politics as my next door neighbor, and I like being one of "the regular folks".

I like barbecues, cheap jewelry, studded wrist bands, big boots, desperate women, black coffee, cheap beer, and cruddy diners. I like knee-length cutoffs, camouflage, black shirts, shaving my head, and getting tattooed again.

I like teaching elementary and middle grades. I like the way kids think, and I wish that they stayed that way for the rest of their lives.

I like books on the occult, bad movies (really bad), talk radio, junk food, and those little yellow-ribbon decals I got stuck on my refrigerator.

I like the big whooshing sounds made by the air-conditioning system at the drive-thru bank down the street. Ditto the hospital. It's a kind of natural music: a heavy, ominous drone that perfectly compliments the other environmental sounds that continually assault our psychic space. I like construction sites, helicopters overhead, staring at passing airplanes, and listening to trains clatter and rumble into the distance. I like all of these things.

I like having money in my pocket, when I can.

I think if you don't have anything nice to say about this country, you should hop the first jet out to Tehran, change your name to Dariush, and learn to appreciate the finer points of Shariah Law.

I like voting straight Republican. I like speaking with a hillbilly accent, shooting guns, and dabbling in abstract surrealist art and music. I like free Mp3s.

I think Pastor Johnny Lee Clary is one of the greatest Americans alive today. I think Ann Coulter should be required reading at all colleges and prep schools. Ditto Jim Goad.

I like blogging. It fulfills the same pathological need I felt back in the old days, when I use to spend countless hours at print shops photocopying endless shitty home-made magazines. Now, I can indulge in exactly the same sort of drivel without having to spend any pocket change on xeroxes.

Whew, this IS the most wonderful and terrible of times to be alive.

Yessiree bob.

NOTE: The preceding, obviously, had NOTHING to do with Israel, the war in the Middle East, or stupid Moonbats of any persuasion. Tough. Sometimes even I need to take a break.

If you want the current news, go scoop out someone else's blog. This here is MY turf.

Ketcha later.